Monday, October 03, 2005


Timmer Linked to Balco, Suspension May Loom

The Cincinnati Disc Golf community was rocked Monday by allegations that Warren Timmer had been seen visiting Balco Laboratories prior to his weekend victory. Balco, infamous for its designer steroids and pro-athlete customers, had never before been linked to a disc golf professional. A photo, surreptitiously taken at the scene over the weekend, show Timmer and Barry Bonds exiting Balco's front-doors together.

Timmer claimed the whole episode was, "nothing but a frame-up." In a press conference late Monday, he noted, "like so much that is reported on the tawdry, tabloid 'Cincinnati Disc Golf Blog', this is simply a figment of the author's imagination." As for the photos, "Even a cursory glance shows that this is nothing but a crappy Photoshop. The shadows on me are the opposite direction of the shadows on Bonds. Plus, it's a picture from when I was in high school."

The editors of this publication were unavailable for comment at press time. The author of the article stated, "It's obvious the allegations are true. How else could a man hurl the disc that distance on one leg, for heaven's sake?"

Commissioner Gerald P. Smith noted that all allegations will be investigated. "We have the utmost respect for Mr. Timmer, but the fact that he verbally assaulted several other disc golfers during the last tournament may indeed point to a 'roid rage' incident. Or at very least, a surly temper."

Smith noted that Timmer will receive his full tournament paycheck until the results of the investigation are released, which may occur sometime in 2009.

-2 Timmer
-1 Ross

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